You just made a productive step in improving your physical and mental well-being. We hope you had a great experience! This guide covers the key takeaways and FAQs that normally follow a trial session.
Hopefully, You Left Understanding:
The types of goals we might set (performance, muscle mass, body fat percentage etc.).
What your training will involve in practice.
The basic science behind your goal.
Your plan in the short, medium and long term.
Your current posture and how it should be addressed (if necessary).
If We Didn't Cover Everything, We're Happy To Talk It Through
We might have talked about reaching failure, pelvic tilts, and nutrition to name just a few. There's only so much you can absorb in an hour and sometimes we won't discuss everything. We want to get to know you, too!
Anything we missed gets covered in the first 1-2 weeks of your training, but we can also talk it through before you make a decision. Just let us know and we'll have a chat.
Key Takeaways
In Training, Failure Is Success
The most important takeaway is that reaching a state of (or close to) failure is exactly what we need in your training.
It's how we communicate to our bodies that we need to build strength or endurance. Rest is for rebuilding - the gym is for failing.
It's not because you're too weak or unfit, it's because you're training effectively. Everyone, regardless of how fit they are, needs to push to (or near) failure for growth.
We get it - you're in a new environment and hitting failure in front of strangers. It's understandable if you feel a little exposed. Rest assured that the fittest people in the room have pushed to failure many times.
Posture Comes First
Strength training is not about shifting weight from A-B, it's about holding beautiful posture despite the strain placed on you.
It follows that you must first have access to great posture before we can apply that strain.
Your session may have involved teaching a strong pelvic tuck, opening your hips or unrounding your shoulders.
Posture can't be skipped. You might get a little short-term progress, but you'll soon hit a wall and have to relearn all over again. That's assuming you don't get injured before that happens, which is likely.
In most cases, it takes less than a week to access good enough posture.
Will I Be Sore? How Long Will It Last?
You will likely experience delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) after your first session. DOMS can vary in intensity and duration; it lasts 2-3 days in the vast majority of cases. It’s perfectly normal and reduces as your body acclimatises to training.
Can I Stop It?
Realistically, nothing will stop it completely. But a high protein diet, changes in temperature (sauna, hot bath, cold shower) and light activity are all known to help.
If you want me immediate relief, try staying active with light walks and mobility (hard to get started, but it helps once you do). We notice clients who practise yoga and regular stretching tend to experience less DOMS.
How Long Should I Rest Before Training Again?
We recommend at least 48 hours before putting your muscles through significant strain again after a full-body workout.
Should I Be Doing Any Stretches?
Stretching is always a great practice. Often, we incorporate stretches into your strength work, but if you'd like to know which stretches might help you in particular, just message your trainer and they'll let you know.
The Gym Is A New Environment For Me - Am I Really A Suitable Candidate?
Starting knowledge or fitness isn't what makes us want to work with someone. If you're not in the best health, it gives you the chance to make an even bigger impact on your life, That's an incredibly rewarding process for us to be part of!
The characteristics that actually make our job easier are being communicative, punctual, open-minded and ready to engage.
The trial goes both ways, so if you're reading this, we thought you were great to work with and in the right position for us to help.
I'd Like To Get Started - What Happens Now?
We'll reach out within 24-48 hours of your session. When you decide to start, we'll send you easy-to-read T&Cs and schedule your first session. We will also start work on the details of your plan and begin putting pen to paper.